Dear J.O.H.N, Oh how I hate to write, Dear J.O.H.N, Pakatan Rakyat let you know tonight, That our trust for you all has died away, Like grass upon the lawn, And tonight we pledge to fight you another day!

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Perak Chaos: My Message to My King II

After delivering my short message via DYMM Tuanku official guestbook, I dropped an email to DYMM Tuanku’s special PR officer with a semi-lengthy message in hope that my message and many other Perakians will be heard.

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Perak Chaos: My Message to My King

Perak has descended into chaos and as a proud anak Perak, I am not missing this opportunity to make my bid to seek a cyber audience from my King so that a snap-election can be held in the event of PR Perak under siege by the evil wrong doings of Najib and his frog unit codenamed J.O.H.N.

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