Micro World, Macro Shots

Good weather is a pathway of good shooting opportunities, and that is what have been doing during my recent spare time recently. Armed with my Sigma 105mm f2.8 EX Macro, I did some test shots with some blooming wild flowers in the backyard of my workplace to discover what is within our small world. Small world co-exists with the bigger world and thanks to tools like macro lenses and extension tubes, undiscovered small worlds can be exposed vibrantly decorated with vivid and bright colours.

And the results as follows;


The shots was made with a set of extension tubes with a Macro lens assisted with a tripod for stability. The mode that was used is an AV priority around f2.8 with standard settings but tweaked on sharpness and colour tone. The white balance uses 5300K to give it a slight warm effect. The composure was also assisted with a Mirror Lockup function and also Highlight Tone to outline the details of the shot.

Before uploading, I have subjected those picture under some minor tweaking regime with my old faithful Photoshop. Most enhancements evolved around contrasting, sharpening and toning.

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