Scoutism 4 Life

On my honour I promise that I will do my best,

1. To do my duty to God, King and country
2. To help others at all times
3. To obey the scout laws

WOSM highlighted today in their website;

Scouts and Guides Spirit Flame

Kenya, 22 February 2007 – Today in Nyeri, Kenya, several thousand Scouts gathered at the grave of Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting, to light a flame which will cross Africa and Europe, as part of the Movement’s Centenary celebrations.

On July 31st 2007 (the eve of Scouting’s Sunrise) it will arrive on Brownsea Island (UK), which is the place where the very first Scout camp was held one hundred years ago.

Leaving from B-P’s old residence, the procession, which included the British officer Lord Robert Baden Powell (B-P’s grandson), local and international Scouts and Guides and ISGF members, then took part in a ceremony at B-P’s grave to light the torch which symbolises ‘the spirit of Scouts and Guides’. Speaking at the moving ceremony, Suzanne Mudhune, Director of the Association of Kenyan Guides stated, “you are the leaders of tomorrow, I call on you to perpetuate the ideals of Scouting, and to make a difference in society”.

Martin Levy, Chairperson of the International Scout and Guide Fellowship (ISGF) then added: “This flame pays homage to a man who was a visionary, and who did not know that this Movement was going to join together 30 million people and that millions of others would benefit from his method of teaching the promotion of non-violence, the refusal to discriminate or the defence of the environment.”

Born on February 22, 1857, Baden Powell retired in 1937 and remained until his death in 1941, in the town of Nyeri (approximately 120 km in the north of the Kenyan capital Nairobi), close to Mt. Kenya.

For ya’ll who don’t have any idea what was I crapping about above this article; I have just renewed by Scout Promise solemnly today on the 22nd Feb 2007 exactly the same date when Scouting was founded a centenary ago. Many might assume why the heck I wanna be affiliated with this ‘stone-age movement’ thinking that this movement only suit pre-school toddlers or growing up delinquents. Wrong. This movement is for everyone – toddlers, kids, teens, adults and seniors.

Why me pledging? When you made a pledge on something, you believe in them, you believe in the essence and the principle in them, and never let that faith in them fade away through time. Is like when you are loving a girl, you believe in them, have faith in them and thrive to make the relationship successful.

And that’s what I have been doing. Because I still believe in scoutism. I know I am not the ideal person in many ways, but in the some ways; scouting did actually mould me of who I am today. I owe my character development, the courage, knowledge and strengths (minus my darkside of course, that doesn’t have anything to do with scouting) that I have developed more than 10 years ago to this unique movement, and there goes this post…and my renewed pledge of course!

Happy Scouting Day. Long live scoutism!

“Once a scout forever a scout”.

Reference: Scouts & Guides Spirit Flame (WOSM, 22/2/07)

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15 years ago

iam asking camps &bits

Antonio Barrozo
Antonio Barrozo
15 years ago

Hi, brothers and sisters!! I´m Antonio, from Argentina, and I’d like to get in touch with scouts from all over the world…Thanks.
Be prepared!!
