B’s Visit, Post CNY, Pre PTK

Picking bee from KL in a bus for the first time. Bee not driving as her car was being serviced. I took the earliest bus and reached Pudu right before noon. Prowled around while waiting for bee. Not knowingly that Bee took a cab from Masjid Jamek instead of taking the LRT to Plaza Rakyat station, I immediately got a call from her.

She is already there.

Without wasting much time, I hurried to Bee. She had just unloaded her bag, and phwoarr…it was a ‘flying’ bag! I drag be along while she tagged carrying her heavy ‘flying’ bag up the pedestrian bridge. We had lunch at a chicken rice stall at the corner. Not long after that we hurried down to the coach platform.

The travel was smooth and she was playing with her Android all the way. Its the G shit which I love. I’m diggin on that fone too. We reached hot and sunny Bidor in less than 2. Uncle fetched us to our hot home. Damn it’s hot.

Pai Ti kong is just around the corner. I miss devouring mi ku’s.

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