Overview Of Niche Marketing Mini Sites

What’s a mini niche / info site? Here’s a quick refresher to discover what niche marketing is ; a mini niche site is 6 to 12 pages of static content on a very specific topic. Usually the site does not need to be updated. One might add content very casually.

Initially, it involves a few hours of research and writing with a burst of promotion (with some more writing) but maintenance is minimal once complete.

Niche Marketing Mini Sites

  • mini websites on targeted topics
    • Optimized to get traffic from non competitive keywords
    • Usually monetized with ads or affiliates (items for sale)
    • Generally set up once
    • minimum maintenance
  • promotion techniques
    • typically and effectively marketed with article marketing
    • lenses and hubs
    • bookmarking
    • directory submissions
    • organic search & keyword research (seo)
  • pros
    • low cost, small steady profit
    • easy to set up, low learning curve
    • great for people that love writing
    • not interactive or social
    • could be developed into an authority site
    • do the work once with limited maintenance & updates
    • highly targeted with only a handful of pages required
  • cons
    • not interactive
    • can be hit or miss
    • income will fluctuate
    • research & planning up front
    • involves writing (for some)
  • skills required
    • understand keywords, adsense and/or affiliates and search engines
    • writing & research skills
    • ability to write quality english
    • ability to follow instructions and set up blog
    • ability to promote with back links and articles
  • tools & costs
    • wordpress (free)
    • domain registration / registrar (a domain cost about $10 per year)
    • hosting account (ranges from $5 to 10 per month)
    • article submitter (optional)
    • form filler (optional)
    • outsource research or writing (personally I use library & write myself)
  • how to make money
    • placing ads i.e. Google Adsense strategically on site
    • selling other people’s products and services (affiliates sales)
    • creating your own product or service and a squeeze page
    • variations of the above or experiment with a multitude of ideas
  • who it’s for
    • low maintenance, limited upkeep (set & forget)
    • those who want to learn how to set up a blog
    • limited web design skills needed
    • people that want to build up a portfolio fo web real estate quickly

If you want limited social interaction these sites are ideal. They are also perfect for a person with varied interests and knowledge that wants to move from topic to topic.

A perfect type of site for someone that wants to build a passive income. I discourage outsource writing so you can maintain the quality and integrity of the site and practice your writing in the beginning.

That’s all, complete one site – rinse and repeat. Sites can be hit or miss so you may need to tweak them or do a little more promotion with article building somewhere down the line. If they don’t pan out – sell them.

Source: Have A Niche Day

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