Sitescore Ranting

ss_00.jpgSitescore, a site that test your site and break the tests to sectional area in terms of SEO-ing. Sitescore is a useful tool coined and engineered by Silktide, a UK SEO company that ‘grade’ sites, and award badge to them to be ‘worn’ on their respective sites. For webmasters whether you are bloggers or technopreneurs, Sitescore can give you a deep insight of your site during test and highlight all the flaws down to their code and scripting so ya’ll know where to troubleshoot them thus, optimising your site better.

The areas tested include 1. Accessibility (The accessibility of this website for users with disabilities), 2. Quality (The quality of the build and content of this website), 3. Search (How effectively this website is optimised for search engines) and 4. Sitescore (An overall summary score for this website).

Only 6.6 from previously 7.9. Uekkk…

I used to be graded with 7.9 (out of 10) thus qualifying me to embed a Sitescore badge on my site but for the past month during my hiatus, my site traffic dwindled and the ranking dropped tremendously (Alexa and Technorati), so is my Sitescore rank. the rest of the breakdowns as follows;

The bad keypoints; 1. Some images do not specify alternative text, 2. Most images don’t have defined sizes, 3. Keywords and content are very poorly matched for search engines, 4. This website is ranked #4,978,673 in the world for popularity, and 5. The website is not W3C compliant. (wtf?)

The good keypoints; 1. All of this website uses Google Analytics to monitor visitor behaviour, 2. This site uses CSS for layout throughout, 3. This website uses flexible font sizes, 4. This website is well linked to (1,180 websites link here), 5. Appropriate meta tags are used throughout, 6. This website ranks well in search engines for selected keywords and 7. This website uses appropriate URLs throughout.

I understood that failure to update your site will result in your traffic dwindling which is pretty logical. Your viewers come to you when you have something to show and they don’t come when you don’t have something to show. Clear on that, but to have your rank in Alexa and Technorati dropping as well is really disheartening.

Couple of months back, I used to make money in PPP when my rank was adequate in Alexa, and ever since my return from hiatus recently, PPP doesn’t provide me anymore opportunities as I failed to achieve the minimum qualifying rank based on Alexa score despite I fullfilling other criterions. Is unfair that PPP has tighten their criterias based on one silly Alexa ranking. All these new rule are PPP’s new implementation after the most recent site and policy revamp. In term of tacks, I got 4 out of 5 that means the publishers ‘liked’ me, and acknowledge the standards of my reviews on their product and services, but all that still doesn’t help cos PPP seem to put Alexa’s importance above others.

I bet this is because PPP regretted that many bloggers; small time and big time make money far too easy, and therefore enforcing new standards eventually allowing only pop-blogs to make money. How fair was that?

So what was left for us small time bloggers that don’t (occassionally) bitch or pimp about other folks out there? And those who doesn’t network around (loners) and those who just treat their blog as their little sanctuary or hideout away from everyday mundane life trying to earn a decent buck for fun or as side earnings?


P/s: Sitescore is useful. Go to their site here.

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