Ebay Partner Network Pays

Got my first payment today from Ebay Partner Network. Only registering them nearly 2 months ago. The impact was fast, and it is worthwhile though I am working on an experimental affiliate site. It makes money faster than Adsense.

The new eBay Partner Network is previously an affiliate program through Commission Junction (CJ). It is one of the most generous affiliate networks on the web. Offering up to 50%+ of revenue for successful bids and purchases and $25+ for every new sign up. The program is very clear and timely in their reporting. The program contain a great and vast product listings that clearly makes it a current favorite in online money making.

Currently, EPN offers 14 countries in it’s list and most of them are European countries. Hopefully they will open their doors for signup in Asian countries. They have just cancelled signup from Singapore and Hongkong. Unsure why but it does disappoint Asian affiliate marketers.

To qualify for EPN, all you need is a website. Without a website you can’t even go through the first stage of being considered – the approval seal from EPN itself. How it works is upon signing up you have to create campaigns. Campaign are categories that target a niche or a set of niche that you wish to promote in your site. Campaign is important for tracking, so you know where your traffic comes from and you know which one yield the most profits.

For example, i like collecting Transformers and doing some outdoors, so I create campaign called ‘Transformers’ and ‘Outdoors’. The control panel provides a set of creatives that you can work with. They can be plain text links to products that you wish to promote, a set of products based on a keyword search, a store search by keying in the merchant shop name, a creative advert in your blog or post and etc.

Tons of features you can play with to match well with your site presentation without hurting any element in your web design. The colors and shapes blend well in your site and it does add value and CTR in your site.

I had real fun playing with this. Here’s the proof of how much I have made for my debut try;



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