Minor Expansion

Hear ye, hear ye’ – I am expanding my blog categories with two more subject of my interest. One is to do with mapping – playing with Google Earth & the other one was a pun section, something like Pungents.com but more localised which centres much around our everyday Malaysian antics.

As for the feat for the mapping section, I would call it ‘Eye-Spy’. Sounds much like ‘I-Spy’, oh well it can mean both ways. ‘Eye-Spy’ will feature map shots of places in Malaysia (or outside Malaysia) using Google Earth (GE).

For ya’ll who haven’t got GE installed yet, it is highly recommended to do so as this tool is very informative & useful. Every week I will feature a place alongside a comment or a short review on it. Accompanied with the entry is an attached KMZ file hosted in my webserver. A KMZ file is a GE file format that you can download & launch in your personal GE.

The KMZ file will display the place that I have plotted in my GE & will be showed the exact same location in your GE. You are more than happy to share your own ‘geo-sightseeing’ with GE too by linking your own personalised KMZ file or files that you have spotted elsewhere that might be useful for us to share.

Pun section is another sub section of my existing Fun & Trivia, that will feature localise puns based on our everyday Malaysian life. Feel free to contribute some, as we can see what ideas you can juice out from your own creative side of mind.

References: Pungents.com & Google Earth

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