Ways To Develop Effective Social Media Engagement Strategy

Social media marketing is an engagement with online communities to generate exposure, opportunity and sales. Companies that intend to adopt social media marketing must develop a holistic engagement strategy rather than blindly jumping on the bandwagon, for wrong usage of social media could result in a critical backlash for your brand’s reputation.

Companies like Starbucks and Dell have proved that with careful planning, proper and effective social media use can drive profits, increase brand awareness and customer loyalty.

  • Do you have a well-conceived social media marketing strategy?
  • Do you know how to use social media to listen and participate in conversations around your brand?
  • How do you select social media platforms to achieve the most effective engagement with consumers?
  • How do you measure ROI for social media marketing?


  • Trends in Social Media Marketing : Deciphering the changing behaviours and demographics of users
  • Social Media for Marketing Communications : Listen and participate in conversations relevant to your customers
  • Operationalising Social Media Marketing : How to form a social media team and get management’s support
  • Managing the Social Media Mix : How to choose channels to obtain the most effective engagement with customers
  • Media Convergence : How different media platforms can work hand in hand to communicate a company’s brand value and message
  • Building Brand Equity : How to increase brand presence through conversations about your brand in the social media space
  • Community Building : Building relationships with the community through engagement
  • Engaging Influencers : Identifying influencers and understanding how they influence people
  • Crisis Management Handling the backlash from failing to manage your social media strategy
  • Social Media Marketing in an Asian Context Opportunities, challenges and ethical issues
  • Measuring Social Media Marketing ROI : Defining new metrics for social media marketing and developing a measurement strategy for intangible metrics


  • Understand why social media is shifting the balance of power towards the customer
  • Explore the changing audience and identify the main users of social media
  • Glean knowledge from industry’s experience in setting up a social media programme
  • Gather insights from case studies of winning companies from the prestigious Asian Marketing Effectiveness (AME) Awards hosted by Media Magazine
  • Learn how integrated social media campaign with in-store promotions and advertising to achieve maximum results
  • Unravel how projects utilised social media as an outreach tool to the community
  • Gain knowledge from in building strategic frameworks to engage influencers
  • Discover how a global F&B company’s errors in managing their social media strategy led to a public relations disaster
  • Find out how companies successfully leveraged on social media to make the campaign their most successful
  • Examine how adidas used social media to increase the awareness of their product marketing campaign
  • Review key learning points from companies on how to track your participation in social media
  • Broaden your business network from interaction with industry peers and experts
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