Curry, Market & Mall

Note: This entry contains heavy image content.

Damn, the week ending like takes forever! Can’t wait for an outing! As suggested by CJ last weekend, we planned to meet up in Baba’s Indian restaurant to try out their £7.95 per head lunch buffet. It was our first time trying out Indian lunch buffet, so here we are. Upon arrival, I was greeted with a familiar face.

It was Hassan, the manager of the restaurant whom I used to know few years back when he was helping his dad running an Indian takeaway right opposite the Chinese restaurant where I used to worked part time before. Back in the days his Indian takeaway was my favorite as we sort of make ‘friends’ between businesses. When i crave for some crazy hot curries, I will pop in his place & get the most fucking hot curry that I could find in Plymouth – by request of course.

Hassan used to challenged me that I will eat till I sick with his fucking hot curry. I told him I’m a Malaysian & I can eat any fucking hot curry that served on my table whether it was Thai style, Szechuan style, Sambal or anything extreme like lava-burn-in-your mouth curries, I can take em all. Not to boast, but I was grown up eating those shit & I’m immune to it. I came back few days after that & told them I finished everything without getting sick, & that is the start when we sort of get acquainted pretty well after the incident. Soon after, Hassan or his staffs will treat me with portions of large pappadoms for FOC whenever I bought some food from his takeaway.

My starters – mind the pilau rice. Made of Samosas, Pakora, Tandoori chicken wings & salad.

The main course – some Madras curry & korma.

It was cool to see familiar faces around town. Hassan readied our table & damn, he still remembers my favorite curry! The hot Balti! Since the buffet was not hot at all as a reason to please all those Mat Sallehs, Hassan offered me a large bowl of Balti to accompany my main course. Bless you Hassan. The Balti was as hot as before.

Loser Mat Salleh enjoying their crap. Curries must be hot lah idiots. If curries not hot is not curry!

I surrendered after two meals – single starter & main course. The others continued replenishing their plates. Talking bout big eaters, I’m such a loser compared to Ivy. She is petite sized but can scoff of more portions than me. I never underestimate gals again!

We finished our meal after two hours before walking off to the continental market not far away located in the whole stretch of New George St at the town centre. The crowd was massive as visitors were thronging from both ends of the stretch where the stalls are located.

French cheesers & thronging visitors.

Biggest emmental cheese i ever seen…

The French cheeser with his cheese line-ups.

A shot on the east side of the Continental Market right in front of Woolworths.

A unique stalls selling preserved fruits, like our local ‘seng boi’ stall in our pasar malams.

The market emphasis on local produce therefore, you will expect a wide-range of European cheese, fruits, diary products, beverages, delicatessens, souvenirs, ornaments etc. I am not keen on those except one – COFFEE!

Coffeesss…shit loads of coffeess…..huargh!

I came across this Irish stall selling coffee beans all displayed on their stalls. The coffee aroma lingering around the area does enchant me. The pricing wasn’t too dear. Only £5 for 2 packs otherwise £2.75 for one. That is 100g in weight. Not bad!

The coffee master – shakey shakey.

Each type of coffee bean was properly labeled. Just tell em what sort of grinding that you wanted, & they will do it for you. I got a manual filter one, so I just requested for a normal grind. I bought Creme Brulee, Mocha Orange & Butter Rum flavor.

Hear ye hear ye! My hauls of the day – Butter Rum, Creme Brulee & Mocha Orange ye’.

Not much to see after that as we realised that we are already at the end of the row. Plus, I already got some coffee to treat my schnozzle later.

Didn’t realise that city council places a large world atlas in the centre of Armada Way. Accidentally stumbled across this & we decided to take a look. I was suggesting to Ivy & CJ if there’s any names of our hometown plotted there in the map. To my surprise, tiny hamlet like my hometown Bidor was also featured in this giant atlas! Same goes to Singkawang, CJ’s hometown & not to mention the infamous KK, Ivy’s hometown.

The atlas was awesome but unfortunately some irresponsible idiots has tarnished the surface by jestering around without taking off their footwear.

Anyone fancy to be the apocalyptic giant for a sec?

Bidor woi!

We proceed to the mall. The reason a mall was featured here because it was newly open. Viewers might wanna compare our mall in Malaysia & Plymothian mall. Its absolutely incomparable. But for the size of Plymouth, this mall is deemed as glorious enough to wow the local media & the region as a whole. ‘Al-maklumlah’ this region is one of the ‘ulu-est’ region in England. *smirks*

Drake Circus Mall – 1 week old now.

Starbucks at the bottom mezzanine.

Plus the pics taken is because of Sharon lah! Hoi Sharon, here’s your treat..hope its a dejavu thing for you. The mall doesn’t impress me much apart from the yumcha place that they offered at the top floor. Nice scenery overlooking Charles Street & Exeter Street. A nice place to hangout. Other than that, the ladies had all the fun cos all the shop lots were catered for women. Is all fashion infested. So is good enough for ya’ll hardcore fashionistas. Not for us, no thanks.

Ground floor taken from 1st floor.

1st floor & ground floor view on the west wing.

I was quite disappointed that there wasn’t any shop that could cater ‘matured’ men like us such as gadget shop or stuffs that related to guys hobbies & recreation. Absolutely daft.

River Island.

Next is one of the biggest store owner occupying all 2 floors

Yumcha area – a foodcourt-like with wireless hotspots.

Charles Street – view from the very top floor. Traffic flow directed towards the city centre.

We yumcha until i feel like taking a nap. Well, it was just another typical Sunday for me.

More detailed photos in these additional galleries: 1) Drake Circus Mall 2) Continental Market

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Sharon C.
Sharon C.
17 years ago


Thanks for the pics man! Loved it to bits. Wished i was still in Plymouth checking out the mall. Last time i saw that place… still in construction la! 😀

Admin: u better come back soon! Hehe..