From Russia with Laugh

circusTo tell you the truth, I have missed this circus for 4 years! And guess what this year, I’m gonna watch it no matter what! I got the flyers like 3 weeks before the event starts, and called to book tickets a week before the event, and luckily though I got through and eventually got 5 seats reserved on my behalf. Joerg, Soomi, Dave & Kok Hoong agreed to join. Therefore, I had enough quota of kakis for this event.

It is a nostalgic moment as my last circus that I had ever been before was with my grandparents in KL when I was around 5 (I guess). Always wanted to see one whenever there’s a troupe coming to town but missed it way to often cos of work committments. Sadly though the Moscow State Circus (MSC) doesn’t involve any animals. So its a 100% human thang’. At least the Russian babes make up towards my disappointment though *lol

Moscow State Circus
From Russia with Laughter (not the Bond flick aight)

The show kick start with some intro from the host, then some clowns – merely lite stuff to start with. Then followed by the babes, babes and more babes, strong man, cross-dressers, acrobats, stuntmans, stuntwomans, clowns, more clowns and even more clowns.

I managed to put my A95 to the test as this is a rare occassion to test your cam to the fullest extent. I tried fireworks and now – circus! Most of the time when shooting, I had to place the cam on my thighs elevated. Set as the slowest shutter and fast to medium apature, I captured the moments like the lame Konica advert did, and yes with some trial & errors of course *doh*.

Here are some ‘artwork’ from the moments:

Moscow State Circus
Clowny tryina be funny

Moscow State Circus
The peeps with me

Moscow State Circus
The crowd

Moscow State Circus
Some lite stuff to begin with

Moscow State Circus
Vector regeneration. Can you do it? The Russos can.

Moscow State Circus
Clown act – they ain’t funny, they are the Russ.

Moscow State Circus
Strong man needs support too, wuddaya think?

Moscow State Circus
Shock ballin’

Moscow State Circus
Loop shock.

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