Guy Fawkin’ Nite

Hear ye hear ye, the ‘fawkin’ was not meant to be that f-kin, so read on!

Went to Glenholt again to Dave’s place with Antonio to celebrate Guy Fawkes Day along with Dave’s family – Aeryn, Roger and Helen. Plymouth was in a celebration mood as along the way to Glenholt, the sky is full of firework sparks and roars plus the beautiful full moon on the horizon does add to the atmosphere of Guy Fawkes Day 2006. Was celebrating it last year as well at Dave’s shared flat in St.Lawrence, but it wasn’t as good as this year as we get to celebrate it with a touch of a traditional English family feel. More homely kinda feel to be exact.

Dave’s display of force!

Guy Fawkes Day is just one of many small traditional celebrations in UK that was still being celebrated traditionally. As for Guy Fawkes Day, the event is to commemorate Guido Fawkes, a soldier who committed treason against the monarchy under the rule of King James I by plotting an assassination of the King that happened more than 500 years ago.

His assassination plot was infamously known as the ‘Gunpowder Plot’ that was to bomb the parliament house while the King was addressing the assembly in the House of Commons and Lords. His attempt was foiled and eventually lead to his capture. Guido and his fellow plotters was then tortured and executed, therefore his unsuccessful plot was remembered as Guy Fawkes Day or Bonfire night to this day. If you guys watched “V For Vendetta” movie, that was a close fictional spoof of Guy Fawkes incident actually.

The peeps.

On Guy Fawkes Day, bonfires and fireworks are permitted, but only recently that bonfire are closely supervised by the police as local yobs are using it as an excuse to create trouble and menace to the community by burning (vandalising) public property for the sake of fun.

The backyard scenes.

Our evening short-lived but filled with much fun with some homely fireworks display at the backyard in Dave’s garden. We had few good laughs too when there were faulty item among those fireworks that Dave bought that had gone berserk it almost danger ourselves. The first incident was the sparkling popper that popped into directions it doesn’t suppose to go and missed be on my right just few inches when I was about to snap some photos. The second was a funnier one when me, Antonio and Dave were trying to light the 3-inline bangers simultaneously and Antonio’s banger was caught on the launcher and blow up on the ground in that instance. We run helter-skelter as the debris of the blown up soil litter the place.

Some small yet decent displays.

Had few snacks and nice hot cuppa coffee suited best for those chilly weather that we had outside before departing home. We missed the giant Bonfire spectacular at the seaside by the way cos we are too busy in our own backyard. Well, an invitation from a friend is just too hard to resist.

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