X’mas Bash 2006

It was the time of year again where all Plymouthkakis meetup. Old buddies that resided in other cities will venture down to Plymouth once again to celebrate Xmas with the ones still remaining in here. It has been a tradition ongoing for few years now among us Malaysians. In the early years when Malaysian students are populous, the party used to be a strictly-Malaysian party. As for now when Malaysian student are scarce, we have also invited mix nationalities to join the party as most of us no longer has strictly only-Malaysians as friends. The party has became multicultural as friends from other nationalities has joined us for only one purpose – to enjoy the year end holidays with remaining friends and buddies.

Here are some photos of past Xmas gatherings with the Plymouthkakis;

Xmas 2003 – Glen Park Avenue. Host – Keng Woo & Seon.
(Attendees: Seon, May, Sarmin, Teh, Keng Woo, Andrew, Michelle, Simon, Wai Kyan, Wendy & Brooke (not in pic) and yours truly.)

Xmas 2005 – Gibbon Street. Host – Yours truly.
(Attendees: Wai Kyan, Chee Kiat, Seon, Ira, CJ, Gina, Ivy, Sarmin, Wei Li, Simon, Michelle, Gina and yours truly.)

(Note: 2004 I was on vacation to Malaysia, therefore the gath was run by the rest of the guys).

As for this year, the party is going to be pretty unique as we are gonna celebrate it traditionally – the English way with traditional English dishes with a traditional English family’s ambience and atmosphere. The host this year is not me as Dave has taken the role to organise this party at his residence in Glenholt. As Dave was absent due to his recent assignments in Malaysia and Indonesia, I was appointed to act as an acting event planner and organiser.

The details again;

Venue: Dave’s place in Glenholt, Plymouth
Time: 6pm – past midnight? (can come as early as 5pm if possible)
Date: 25th Dec 2006 (Xmas day itself)

Just a short note to those who wish to join the party;

  1. 1. Feel free to contribute snacks, desserts, drinks, or side dishes
  2. 2. There will be a present swapping/raffle after the meals. Pressie value – minimum £10, maximum £15 per person NOT per couple
  3. 3. Possible movie screening. Bring some nice new movie DVD to share. Dave’s got a cool projector to test.
  4. 4. Photography and video session. (Feel free to bring your recording devices).

Any questions shoot an email or SMS yours truly.

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18 years ago

Yo, as Wong says we got lots of food and drink, nice home cinema for movies and I have lots of games which my family normally play at christmas (cards, etc).

See you all there I am already half way to coming home.