LAN Party Scene

First time shooting me & the boys in our LAN shack at Dave’s. Here is the scene of what our battlefield looks like. Lots of PC, machines, game discs, food (yeah, they are JUNK), and fragging geeks. It is the October end, and weather is getting shittier but the battlefield is heaty as a result of the dissipating heat of our machines. No women allowed as there were lots of gore, blood, sweat, frustrations (yeah, it happens to guys too) & wost of all is junk food!

Our session starts at 3pm with everyone busy manning our machine – setting up cables, config IP’s, tune settings i.e. graphic cards & also overclocking. In my case, I was required to overclock my machine to at last 2GHz. Embarrassing to say, being a tech geek, I’m only surviving with a 1.6GHz machine all this while to do my stuff. Not good eh? I thought I get to keep my CPU’s ‘virginity’ forever, but GRAW’s spec is pushy hence needing more juices pumped out from my tiny miserable CPU.

CJ testing on Dave’s machine

My graphics card doesn’t run well on this game as it demands shaders of some sort. Just because of this game I have ‘invested’ in another graphics card which was an NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT. My old faithful Radeon 9600 was then made redundant as a result of this. The newbie graphics card does face with some issues at the beginning, that is the drivers. After debut run & after few sessions, the card begin to pump out so well.

The game we play. GRAW: Advanced Warfighter – a year old game but never too late to catch up.

Dave configuring his work machine for us.

Since everyone was more or less new comers including CJ, Purav & JX, we lost many missions. In all, Dave was the most outstanding among all of us. Not sure why, but he sure has the steeze in gaming. Can’t argue with his experience in gaming as you can see his rooms was littered with games – played & unplayed.

CJ test playing

Our machines. I mean Dave’s machines 🙂

We took break at 7pm and ordered some Indian food for delivery. Whilst awaiting our food to arrive, we were merely catting away and watching Simpsons to kill our boredom while munching away unhealthy junkies on the table, thanks to our host.

My machine. The stone-aged CRT that gets hot over time.

Game in session. Why I ain’t playin? Cos i was killed & used up all my lives.

We resume near 9pm after finishing our food and resting. It is getting hard to concentrate with stuffed tummy. I do think that playing games right after a meal doesn’t go well as our focusing mechanisms are being destracted.

Our game lasted for the next 4 hours, past midnight when everyone is saturated, and partly satisfied with some progress in the mission. We pack up and unwire our stuff and anticipating to finish all the mission within a time frame so we could get the taste of GRAW2 coming next month.

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