Bay Offers ‘Baynty’ For Bosnian Lil’ Red Ridin’ Hood

Michael Bay, though being busy on set shooting Transformers 3 was never left out in keeping himself updated on current news especially this case of the Bosnian lil’ red-ridin’ hood pup-tosser. Can’t comprehend at all why douche bag like these are building so-called fame on such a cruel act and guess what, the Transformers man is offering some money for her rollin’ head.

Here’s the story just in case:

The hunt for Puppy-Throwing Girl just got a lot more explosionier: Michael Bay, director of Victoria’s Secret commercials and giant robot movies, has placed a $50,000 bounty on information leading to the arrest of the famed animal abuser.

This evening, the following was posted to Michael Bay’s official website:

There is a disturbing video going around the news outlets. It’s a video of blonde young woman in a red sweatshirt casually tossing squealing puppies into the fast-moving river one by one.

Michael Bay has informed me that he is offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and successful prosecution of the woman in the red sweatshirt and the person who shot this act of cruelty.


“Arrest and successful prosecution?” Come on, Michael Bay, You can do better than that! How about “the arrest and successful strapping her onto the head of an ICBM missile and shooting her at the Moon to do battle with robots in a revealing tank top?”

More to the point: Old Timey Michael Bay does not seem to understand the crowd-sourced nature of the hunt. The anonymous Internet hooligans of 4chan’s /b/ messageboard may have already uncovered the identity of a young girl and the person holding the camera, just as they found the woman who threw a cat in a trash can. Their investigation points to a couple teens in Bosnia, and Bosnian police have launched an investigation into the video. (And the girl in question may have already offered an apology via YouTube.)

But if any of 4chan’s anonymous users want to claim the bounty, you can email:

The girl’s purported apology ($50,000, please!).


Not sho’ if that apology was real, but her head must roll at all cost, never mind the money, it’s all about the bounty.


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