Countdown To Chinese New Year

Just a fortnight more to go before the tong-tong-chang-ing day, I suddenly feel the surge of deplorable to-dos. More projects in mind still looming. Uncertain when to start, I will try to trigger these issues after Chinese New Year.

I haven’t start decorating my house until today. Just after ‘work’, I will do some garden work. The pearl grasses in the garden, centre-part is in a sad state. They became yellow, as a result of an illness (I guess). I am not sure how to remedy these, but I hope they are not spreading to the healthier ones.

Been busy patching puddles resulted from dead grasses in the past with healthy ones. Had accomplished four of those so far after a getting-down-and-dirty session. Corner side grasses has been sacrificed for the cause. The dogs on leads had helped alot denying them access for a free-for-all poo-peeing. Hopefully the garden will look better before the CNY family gathering. Gotta thank the rain for this too.

Will try to start doing some lightings tomorrow with sis helping on other decos. Been contemplating on doing a repaint on the wall. The shoddy paint job few months back had been languishing in a sad state. Moss everywhere. Need some proper weather bonding this time and a free sun-tanning.

Valentine’s is also round the corner, falls on the first day of CNY. Been cracking my head on this too. I wonder how catering business was coping this year when CNY clashes with Vday? With all single peeps in kampungs, I wonder how couples apart meet? I guess everyone might have a delayed Vday this year. Shitty innit?

Dad hasn’t been released by his company yet. If he is home, it would be a complete reunion for the first time in 5 years.  I hope his Brazilian contractors had mercy on Chinese crews as he should have been home by now. Without dad, I am not sure if the plan to dine in the finest seafood restaurant during Chap Goh Meh in Tanjung Tualang is still on as this suggestion was initiated by him.

Bro has been stocking drinks and tidbits – kudos to him. He had placed more orders with aunt. Aunt and uncle had problem outsourcing. Good luck to them. I can only do my part in deco as he won’t be joining us for deco as his demanding job is still gonna hold him till the last minute – CNY eve!

Granny is not in such a good state. Having been discharged just recently, she is still suffering from swelling legs. Her mobility will be very much restricted this time, worst than before. I hope she could get well if she is really following doctor’s advice.

I am still torn on trips. Dave had a trip to Langkawi end of this month that I look forward so badly to follow, but I have to be on standby for my babe’s birthday next month as well. Genting trip? Oh no. I completely lose it.

As for Dave, are you coming or not for this CNY?

Projects projects after CNY. Launching my consultancy soon? Target is March. Can I make it? SSM form yada yada. Money yada yada. Travel yada yada.

Writing this itself does make me feel exhausted.

How is your pre-CNY, CNY and post-CNY like?

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Tevin Geppeto
15 years ago

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