Patience Is A Virtue
Patience is a virtue, but I am not sure how I am gonna go through that smoothly. Things are a bit jumpy at the moment. Though loving the stuff I do, but there are elements I dislike come into play. It would have been better without those.
Decided to work on some papers but I have a long sleep instead to compensate my lack of sleep for the whole week.
Woke up at 5.45am everyday and shoot off to office as early as 6.15am. Slept outside the car park until the guard opens the staff car park gates. I be the earliest at the parking lot, cafeteria and most of the time, office. Sippin coffee and reading papers like a senior citizen is my daily routine these days.
I punched in as early as 8, or 8ish to office. Love the office and theĀ conducivenessĀ of the work place. Loved the task as it fits in the description when I first applied for them.
My only biggest hurdle now is direction and corporate SOP mumbo jumbo. So used to do the gung-ho way during my freelance life, but now everything changed.
I am used to all those work gang-bangin’ and always up for some of those any time, any moment. Like Pac says, only cowards die a dozen deaths…a soldier like me dies but once.