TMNet – Unprofessional, Unreasonable

My sites (yes including my blog) was blocked by TMNet recently around 2 weeks now. I didn’t blog about it because I wanna monitor if the disruption was temporal. Otherwise, it can will be unfair just to brand them unprofessional and unreasonable for no reason.

But it seems like the blockade was imminent. My sites are no longer accessible by Malaysians. The complaints come to me in streams that really tested my patience to the max. Having heard of my rants, Yen managed to filed a complaint on my behalf, and this is what she got.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your e-mail to TM. With regards to your website visitors browsing issue, please be advised to inform all your website visitors who are subscribing to our service to revert to us for further investigation. Rest assured we are committed in delivering excellent service and will constantly strive for improvement in all areas of our operation. We hope you will accept our sincere apologies if we have not met your expectation on this occasion.

Should you require further assistance or would like to submit any enquiry/feedback, kindly visit and click “Need Help? Contact our Customer Service”.

We thank you for taking the time to write to us and look forward to serve you better.

Customer Care Support,
Internet Services,
Customer Service Management,
TM Retail.

So what is the meaning, if I have taken the fuss to submit those details as requested before this? Does that means my previous complaints has turned to deaf ears? I do not understand why public services agencies tend to love having their clients playing the same game all over again, round and round and in cycle.

Same shit. No outcome.


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