Big Brother is Watching

They say we are democratic that gave assurance to freedom of speech. But after 50 years of independence, the agencies that was supposed to safeguard our interest as the free people has been utilized like a war-machinery, and I call it hypocracy;

KUALA LUMPUR: Twenty-two websites and blogs have been investigated by the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) for airing false, pornographic and baseless allegations.

Deputy Energy, Water and Communications Minister Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum told Senator Sharifah Azizah Syed Zain in Dewan Rakyat on Monday that out of those blogs investigated, the commission had also forwarded three investigation papers to the Attorney-General’s Chambers.

“Most of the blogs and websites are being operated using platforms from overseas and efforts to obtain evidence necessary for action often come to a dead end.

“Therefore, it’s very hard to take legal action against these blogs,”he said.

Joseph said the MCMC also did not license blogging activities, making it hard for both the ministry and the commission to have a comprehensive list of those behind these websites and blogs.

To another question, Joseph said the Government did not intend to set up a special body to counter “irresponsible blogging” as there were adequate laws such as the Sedition Act and Penal Code in place.

Source: TMI

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