Pimpin’ Point (Pt.2)

pp2_00.jpgOne of the most anticipated hip-hop video this year – “Ipohmali” was officially released on the 9th April, 5 days after my first pimpin’ on his Ipohmali from “Str8 To The Point” album. I even made an unofficial (fan-made) MV prior to that. Have a peek and bookmark that clip especially ya’ll peeps hollerin from Ipoh. Be proud cos Ipoh have got an anthem of their own now! I’m lil’ bit down South Perak, but I tumpang happy too cos I have lived in Ipoh for a couple of years during my college years.

Check this out, if you haven’t.

“Ipohmali” – The Official MTV


Surprisingly there’s an international version of the clip, almost similar to the first one but did contain some hot booties swaying about from those hootchie mommas who happens to be Point’s femme crews.

Surprisingly there’s an international version of the clip, almost similar to the first one but did contain some hot booties swaying about from those hootchie mommas who happens to be Point’s femme crews.”Ipohmali” – International Version (Director’s Cut)

This one was released on the 12th April, just few days after the local MTV release. Try to spot the difference if you can. Oh, not to mention featured cameos like Patrick Teoh and Amy Mastura. Also the dude in the boy scout forage cap, gah! I dunno his name.


The thing I like most is the muhibbahness portrayed in those clips – you can see familiar street faces of Malay, Chinese, Indian and even Eurasian alike that hails from Perak, and the faces shown in the clip where everyone that hailed from Ipoh/Perak are damn proud of being one. I’m sure if Raja Nazrin sees this, he’s gonna be damn proud to see an example like Point amalgamating his speech touching about issues of togetherness and unity regardless of race and religion.

I particularly like the opening intro by this Hokkien speaking mom and Cantonese speaking dad of Point;

Mom: (Chopping vegetables speaking in Hokkien)
Mom: Hah? Lu ki chor rapper?
Mom: Orr lang wussup wussup, lu tang eh jiak boh?
Mom: (Cantonese) Zhong wa yew lok Kat Lam Poh wan sik?
Dad: (shook his head)
Mom: (English) You are only sixteen!
Mom: Na si wa hor lu ki ah, lang chiew lu eh lin peh ka wa.
Mom: Lu kua, lang key piak eh kia, lang ka liao ki tuck tua owk.
Mom: Chut lai lang chor lawyer, lang chor doctor, lang chor gynecologist ki kua chi(bai) (sensored).
Dad: (Cantonese) Aiya, hui oi jou mah pei hui jou lor.
Dad: Kum tai kor yan sik lum ka la, sik lum ka hor?

Point: Yo, this song’s close to the heart…..

They even censored the ‘cibai’ swear word that Point’s mom uttered when describing a ‘job’ of a gynecologist (woman’s doctor or in Malay is called ‘Pakar Sakit Puan’).

Special thanks to Excaliber (Point’s crew), who added me in Friendster that eventually leads to the addition of Point himself in my friendster. Big up and thanks yo!!

If you like Point Blanc’s music, and blogging to, try blogroll him and X, his crew member – here and here.

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