TransMY Was Compromised

hackedThis morning I had trouble going online. Only at around 7am I had been ‘relieved’. Checked my Transformers site as usual, only to find it empty. The only message i got is a database connect failure. I immediately logged in my webserver’s control panel and via phpmyadmin, I find my database was there but EMPTY. Not even 1% of data has been retained and reserved for me!

I quickly fired up an email to tech support asking them what’s going on. The site has a massive load of data amounting. Finding it empty was a heart-wrenching feeling. I quickly uploaded an index.html in the root directory with this message;

Dear members,

With much regret, TransMY has been denied its existance by some unscruplous parties this morning by attacking it’s database and deleting them off. I will try my best to salvage what I can with some old backups. If you can’t log in to the site when the site goes online, please kindly re-register again as my old backup MAY NOT contain your registration data.

Please stay tune for TransMY to be back online. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


I then backup my test site that still contain some old data. Hopefully I can salvage something there at least even though I do not have the latest post and registration data. To the wretched people who is behind this, I would like to congratulate you for making my spirit stronger. My site will be online again, and nothing will stop me. I hope my webserver co can find something interesting out of their investigation.

I hope.

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