Mount Edgecumbe Photo Shoot

edgecumbe projAfter a series of drizzle yesterday, we thought that we are not going to make it to this outing. Luckily it was sunny and me and SL hurried to the jetty from town via citybus. On the horizon crossing the channel we can see dark clouds, but on our Devon side, it was still bright and sunny.

Upon reaching Cremyll we took the long lane through the garden public footpath. The lane leads to the mansion, and that is where i fired few shots of the avenue with shady trees.

We proceeded to the farm where we can see alot of sheeps on the foothill with the calfs. The area was so quiet that we hardly see or came across anyone. Occasionally some joggers greeted us. We walked past some flower avenue, with rare flowers almost everywhere on the right and left side of the road.

We ventured uphill and exited to the Cremyll – Millbrook road. We walk to the country lane and encountered some farm horses. Took some shots there. We retreated our walk as it is getting rainy. Walked back towards Cremyll and re-entered the country park for some shelter. When we got there the weather was clear again.

Returned to the jetty to return to Plymouth. Arrived in Plymouth about near sunset. It rained again and we took shelter at the Hoe. SL taught me some slow syncro techniques with long exposures. The results produced some cotton effect on the wave. Pretty impressive. Learned something new.

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