Double Bill

daveDave, Antonio, Ghee, Visha, Soomi, Joerg, Andy, Erine, Roger, CJ & Gina @ DJ’s birthday

Was a hectic Sunday today as it was a double bill appointment that i have to attend between David’s birthday party & a movie nite out with CJ & Gina. David’s party starts at 6pm in Glenholt, 8 miles away from my place – a peaceful & quiet housing estate.

Met up with Antonio, Gee, Joerg, Soomi, Visha & Andrew along with David’s family – Helen, Roger & little cheeky Erine. It was a simple pizza party as David loved pizza so much as i did. Plus i was damn hungry as I havent gobble anything yet since afternoon as I kinda like woke up late today just to realise I haven’t wrap David’s pressie.

Birthday boy
Birthday boy mista DJB.

I manage to get him a birthday card, yeaaa..a cheeky Little Britain birthday card with a cheesy badge of Sebastian Love; the gay PA of the Prime Minister in Little Britain. It was a simple meet up but a fun one with Erine stealing all the attention of the guests, especially Visha & Soomi because they were the only ladies there. Some snaps taken as i was the only one with the cam.

Birthday boy
Cheeky princess Erine with Soomi & Visha, showing off her music box.

Birthday boy
Erine on her own, pose for the cam.

Birthday boy
Group pic – mua, Yerg, Visha, David, Andrew, Gee, Antonio, Soomi & lil’ Erine.

Birthday boy
The guys chillin with Jacki’e flick.

Birthday boy
Good buddies

Birthday boy
The badge that David was forced to wear. LOL

Birthday boy
Collage of the day.

As I have promised CJ earlier on the previous week to watch ‘Memoirs of A Geisha’ today, i have to make a haste back home at 7.45pm, dumping my cam & headed to the cinema. CJ & Gina was already there when I arrived at 8.30pm. The theatre was full.

I had no idea what fascinated the audience but i am pretty sure majority of them had at least read about the memoir itself OR seen the theatrical play sometime ago that was staged in Theatre Royal. The seat was packed & we ended up sitting on the front-left.

Not bad for my view, i’m not sure if CJ is struggling with it. I am a sceptic at first as I haven’t actually read nor seen the play before. I was there to see someone actually – Zhang Ziyi..oh goddamn she was damn gorgeous! She played as the grown-up Chiyo (later Sayuri after she sworn-in to abide the geisha code of honour/sisterhood). More review on MOAG’s post.

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