Farewell Dinner at Morgans Brasserie

I did a research before booking a table in Morgans Brasserie in Princess Street, Plymouth. The whole idea is to dine in a place that all of us never dine before. I hook up Sugarvine, one of the best review site for eating out in Devon & Cornwall. After scouring around infos, I filtered through based on recommendation and pricing.

Luckily though, the informative site does feature menus for us to look at. My eyes was pinned to Morgans Brasserie as the ambience from the photos looks very contemporary and decent. I read through some reviews. What makes me finally decided to book it there is merely because some patron who left comments commended the eaterie for serving decent portions!

Since most of us a hungry devils, this is definitely good news! Confirmed with everyone via email and smses, and we rendezvous at CJ’s place. We have got 2 cars from Tim and Purav and that fits everyone evenly and equally.


We arrive early and we got a table on the right wing somewhere in the middle-corner. Awesome. We ordered our food and enjoy the company. Occasional flashes occurred when Purav horse-played my DSLR. The couple at the table next to us was abit annoyed and they left early. This is due to the fact that perhaps, we have just ruined their quality time. What became the joke was the guy was as old as the lady’s father. I am not sure if that is one hell of a two-timing behind closed doors happening.

I got an art piece from Soomi & Joerg, a black-white mural of Plymouth Hoe in the olden days. That was sweet. Times flies and it was time to part. It was bitter but life goes on. I would live to see another sweet moment like this happening again.

I will visit Plymouth again someday. CJ, Ivy, Tim, Gina, Soomi, Joer, Choy, Lam your company in Plymouth with me will be dearly missed.

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