Freathy Trip

A BBQ, a dip, a long stroll & an annoyance

freathyIt was my second trip to Whitsand so it feels like a homecoming back to Freathy where the beautiful & long beaches of Withsand Bay lies. During the previous trip, I never recalled what route we use but this time I have keep track of all the routes that we have used to get there.

I like the countryside, so I am quite amazed with names of places & the lush greenry views along the way. Cornwall is unique as Wales. Crossing over the Tamar bridge to Saltash is like crossing over to a whole new country when the name of the places that was so Anglic became very Cornish right after. We decided to cross the bridge instead of taking the ferry at Torpoint.

Tamar bridge crossing
Brunel’s name on Prince Albert bridge (railway bridge). We are crossing Tamar bridge.

The trip uses A38 route from Plymouth to Saltash & Saltash to Trelulafoot roundabout (what a name!). Take 9, via route A374, drove past Polbathic & just before reaching Sheviock, we took the B3247 country lane near Tredrossel, which eventually lead us to a coastal cliffy town called Crafthole. The route changes once again to a country lane (ungraded), near Tregantle Fort – a fort which is still in active service as a training ground for the British armed forces. The lane brought us past through cliffy edge of Tregantle & reaching Freathy in less than 10 minutes from the B3247 junction.

Tamar bridge crossing
A shot from Google Earth, showing the location of Freathy & Whitsand Bay.

Tamar bridge crossing
Unloading stuff. Paid £2 for this! Antonio doesnt seem happy with the charges. Haha.
Antonio: £2 can get me spring roll in Chinese take away know?
Me: Is for whole day amigo.
Antonio: Ya, with horse shit around the lot, there’s a pile behind you.

Tamar bridge crossing
Antonio sing a jingle to make himself happy.
Me: Its only £2 amigo! And that’s for whole day!
Antonio: I don’t care, back in Spain everything is free you know?
David: This is Britain kay?

Tamar bridge crossing
Walk to the beach.
Antonio: Why British are so stupid making car parks so far away from the beach?
David: Don’t you see those cliffs?
Antonio: Dave asno elegante…

Tamar bridge crossing
The British sunseekers – the beach, the sun, the babes & the…YOBS.

Tamar bridge crossing
Mind the rock smart asses
Guy: If you kick this ball to that Spaniard’s or Asian face I will give you a free shag.
Babe: How about if I fail?
Guy: You give me a free shag.

Tamar bridge crossing
From the morgue?
Antonio: I beg you not to fart. Or else this would be your last trip with me.
David: Ah shut up, puncture those yob ball if they come your way for god sake.

Tamar bridge crossing
Sandy & low-tide.

Tamar bridge crossing
Nice innit?

Tamar bridge crossing
BBQ – Antonio’s lil’ kitchen.

Tamar bridge crossing
The chef from Spain.
Antonio: A pro like me must pose pro.
Me: Is smouldering overcooked sausages in ashes is called pro too?
Antonio: NO, that is what i call a ‘pro mistake’, a mistake that is excusable for pro like me.
Dave: Yeah right.

Tamar bridge crossing
Multinational – Malaysian, British & Spanish.
Antonio: I know I am body beautiful. Trust me, look at those prints later.
David: Just shut up & pose.

Tamar bridge crossing
Marine vegetation on rocks – a macro shot.

Tamar bridge crossing
Stroll on the beach.

Tamar bridge crossing
The cliffs of Freathy. Note the roofs, those are lodgings in Freathy.

Tamar bridge crossing
New Epic: The Goliath in the Land of Hobbits.
Dave: I always loved pounding on midgets head.
Antonio: Hey amigo, no midgeting me Spain it is offensive.
Dave: Midget is english word ok, dontcha shittin on me.

Tamar bridge crossing
The tides & me.
Me: Any of you lonely chicks wanna walk with me? I promise you the sunset babe.
Ladies: BOOOOOO!!!

Tamar bridge crossing
2 hours before sunset.

Tamar bridge crossing
Boaty posey.
Antonio: I need growth hormones to be the same height with Wong.
Dave: You need men’s high heels amigo.
Antonio: Ah, shit you.

Tamar bridge crossing
Stranded boat

Tamar bridge crossing
Another macro shot II – shellfish on rocks.

Tamar bridge crossing
Macro shot III – slimy shellfish.

Tamar bridge crossing
Shadowy stroller.
Me: Wow, its kilt-like in the shadow. Thats freakin scary.
Dave: Your belly are in shambles matey.

Tamar bridge crossing
Birdie sanctuary – chillin sea gulls.

Tamar bridge crossing
Solace by the sea.

Tamar bridge crossing
RAF routine.

Tamar bridge crossing
Final shot before leaving.

Overall the trip was great fun as this is the longest picnic I ever had – almost 5 hours to be exact. The BBQ was fun, the weather was awesome but the only annoyance that we had was the yobs. Yob culture even came to beaches i.e. tourist spots like this. Was abit disappointed with that actually. Being the only chinese guy in a secluded country outskirt like this, I am exposed to alot of possible racist threats made by the British bumpkins from the countryside who never mingle around with mix nationalities like us.

Dave heard the same lot mention the word ‘chink’, not to mention his fellow countrymen also make fun of him just because of his size. That was very very disappointing. Not to be over-sensitive, but I can tell that the tirade was ‘dedicated’ to me as I am the only chinese there at the beach. A fella from the yob lot came to me with a sarcastic look to ask for a free burger as we are the only ones who did BBQing there. I told him ‘do we look like a takeaway’? He just walk off grumbling. I bet he was surprised that i spoke good English. The lot congregate in their ‘base’ & talk boisterously as if we owed them a million buck.

Decent Brits will be gutted to learn that a few of their own lot behaved vehemently like bunch of uneducated punks that will ruin their own country’s reputation by behaving like this. I can’t imagine what sort of impressions that they have ‘generated’ every year towards visitors to UK with this type of low-class mentality. Is sad when the government was trying to promote tourism & education, antagonist like these ruin everything. I hope i will never come across this lot again on my next visit. I won’t hesitate to spread hot charcoal on their feet if they try to get abusive. Those lot need a life!

Note: For full gallery of the day’s trip, go to my gallery for further pics.

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