
I really need to blog this. This idea of classifying FFK-ness came & inspired by my chat with Sharon just a while ago. ‘Fong-Fei-Kei’ (in Cantonese literally means ‘leaving a jet plane’ haha, not Chantal’s song okay) aka Fly Kite, which means promised someone for a meetup but eventually never make it.

Looking in the term & the science behind it, I think it can be summed up in 5 (possibly 6 too) categories just like our local PD classifying a homicide case. Haha.

  • 1st Degree FFK – Perpetrator planned a meetup, but informed victim few
    days before the meetup that he/she cannot turn-up.
  • 2nd Degree FFK – Perpetrator planned a meetup, but informed victim LAST
    MINUTE before meetup due to start that he/she cannot make it to the venue when
    victim has already PREPARED him/herself for the meetup.
  • 3rd Degree FFK – Perpetrator planned a meetup, but only informed victim
    that he/she cannot make it to the meetup when victim was already at the venue
    of the meetup!
  • 4th Degree FFK – Perpetrator planned a meetup, but didn’t turn up at the
    venue & failed to inform victim that he/she cannot make it to the meetup venue
    when the victim was already there WAITING.
  • 5th Degree FFK – Perpetrator planned a meetup, but didn’t turn up at the
    venue & failed to inform victim that he/she cannot make it to the meetup
    venue, & FORGOT that he/she had planned a meetup when CONFRONTED by victim.

    6th Degree FFK – Perpetrator planned a meetup, but didn’t turn up, failed to
    inform & disappeared off. This rarely happen though.

FFK anyone? :))

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