Firetal Attraction

Pun of The Week:
Fatal attraction on firemens & the civil services in the line of duty as proved by this scenario reported by The Star recently;

Hogging women

“Women hogging emergency lines – The Star, 13th Sept 06”

and the parody of it;

Hogging women

Enough to cause ‘fire’ on those poor firemens. So ladies…be sensible aight?

Disclaimer: The portrayal of this comedic pun does not reflect the true opinion of the author. He dun hate women ok.

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17 years ago

i think only those poor lonely ladies did that la..
not all girls so free to call the emergency line 😛

17 years ago

I’ve been peeking for several days at yr blog, laffing like siao over that puki, puki, where are you? song. Nay..that pig one? And I swear I never see any button for commenting. Now only I see it. Eh, like this hor, can open some online/telephone gigolo services in Maraysial hor?

Orenburg Russian Federation
Orenburg Russian Federation
14 years ago

hahaha, god very god.