Appetite For Destruction (Part 1)

Okay okay before ya’ll freak out that title wasn’t dedicated to me. It was dedicated to MPAJ (Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya) and our most honourable Faggots-R-Us (FRU) who have just created their own mini-holocaust to the Berembang folks by tearing down their houses, shoving their asses, hurling abuse and smacking up their women and children. Talking about Hadari, Pak Lah

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Iranian-American Student Brutalised

An Iranian-American, U.S. citizen and UCLA student, Mostafa Tabatabainejad, was shot by UCLA’S UCPD November 14th 2006, because he could not show his student ID. He was shot 5 times with a taser gun. Police threatened to shoot other students who got too close to help. The student yelled out that he had a medical condition, but the cops kept

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