More Malaysians Refused Entry to Britain

And they say that we are part of commonwealth….what ‘wealth’ are they referring to? All bollocks.

TAIPING: Between 150 and 200 Malaysians have been refused entry when they arrived in Britain over the past few months, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.

He said this was because of a notice by the British Government after it found many Malaysians had overstayed and taken up jobs or infringed the country’s visa regulations.

To prevent Malaysians from being rejected entry on their arrival in England, Syed Hamid urged travellers to abide by visa regulations and the laws of the country.

“We are also having problems here with visitors who overstay and we understand their concern,” he told reporters Saturday after visiting Internal Security Act (ISA) detainees at the Kamunting detention centre here.

He said the right to enter another country was a privilege extended by the host country and not a right.

Syed Hamid said his ministry and his English counterparts are formulating a joint-action strategy to prevent such job seekers who overstay from visiting England.

“Britain views the matter seriously. Due to the good relationship between Malaysia and Britain, it has notified us of the problem,” he said.

Responding to a question, Syed Hamid said he received the first notice from his Brtish counterpart late last year and this was followed with subsequent notices.

Syed Hamid said he had appealed against the measure to bar the entry of certain Malaysians into Britain.

“But we have to show proof that serious action has been taken by Malaysia,” he said.

Syed Hamid said the Visa on Arrival regime practised in this country needed to be restudied as countries such as Japan, Canada, and Australia no longer issued free visas.

“We will look into areas which need to be tightened so that visitors to this country will also not cause problems,” he said.

He said some were known to have abused Malaysia’s liberal visa rival policy, turning it into a transit point which enabled “mules carrying gold dust” to go to a third country.

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