Corpse Bride

Director: Tim Burton & Mike Johnson Genre: Animation/Comedy/Fantasy Starring: Johnny Depp (Victor Van Dort), Helena Bonham Carter (Corpse Bride), & Emily Watson (Victoria Everglot) Plot: When a shy groom practices his wedding vows in the inadvertent presence of a deceased young woman, she rises from the grave assuming he has married her. From onwards, he tried to avoided the corpse

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Solemn Armistice


Mood: Solemn
Current Jam: Last Night [Ghostface]
Company: Viewfinder

Prologue: I joined the procession to commemorate the lost of those who fought & parished in the WWII.

Armistice Day which was also known as Remembrance Day is a day of commemoration observed in the Commonwealth nations and various European countries (including France and Belgium) to commemorate the World War 1 and other wars. It is observed on November 11 to recall the end of World War I on that date in 1918. Remembrance Day is specifically dedicated to members of the armed forces who were killed during war, and was created by King George V of the United Kingdom on November 7, 1919 upon the suggestion of Edward George Honey. Source: wikipedia

Remembering the dead.


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