Make Money With Your Blog Based On Your Traffic Ranking

So, you had a blog and your blog has a decent traffic. If I were you I wait. Waiting for the right time of course. As for me your money making campaigns must be in tune with the traffic that you are getting. Say you had like 100 page views per day, and to make it wise I think is best to have an ad or two of Adsense served to your audience. As your popularity grows say 10K of traffic per day, your campaign can be expended into more ads, more contextual linking ads, more campaign, more stuff to sell etc.

This entry below only applies when you start to have a decent amount of traffic and I am going to categorise them based on your blog level judging from the traffic you get.

Level 1 – 100 visits per day, 700 per week

Serve PPC Ads

Serve them Adsense, maybe 2-3 ads only, and not more. Period. Slam something to their faces with ad measurements such as 300×250’s and 728×90’s. Get more ideas of what’s the best display ad size for your website summarised by Marketing Sherpa. Other alternatives to Adsense can be BidVertiser, Kanoodle, Widgetbucks, CrispAds or Adbrite.

Since you have just started, you shouldn’t worry about the type of ads that appears as the lists above are contextual in nature where the ads that appears relates to the niche/theme of your entry.

Check that the ads font style, font color, and background blends with your blog template to provide the natural feel.

Ask For Donations

This is abit shameless, but if you had the guts of doing it, go ahead. There is no right or wrong in asking donations. Perhaps being a newbie, your audience will be abit sympathetic and might donate. The only thing you need to take care about is to provide them good and fresh content FIRST. Before expecting something in return you need to give and in this context, starting with yourself – giving them a fresh new content.

Before asking for donations, make sure you had a Paypal donation link on your sidebar or at the bottom of each post and you must ensure that they don’t obstruct and create clutter. It will annoy your audience thinking that you are a desperado seeking for money. In my opinion, one link will suffice. You would be surprised what you can get by only asking.

It does not hurt by asking, as there is so many good Samaritans out there!

Level 2 – 1,000 visits per day, 7,000 per week

Selling Products

Start selling self or other people/company’s products! Clickbank suits beginners the best. You can start venturing into Shareasale,  Amazon. com, or Ebay Partner Network or any other affiliate program to sell affiliate products on your blog.

All you need to do is to select the products, generate and get links, insert them into any anchor text in your entry that promotes the product (by reviewing) or mentioning them into an entry where the theme is related to the affiliate product that you are selling.

If you are serious, you can branch out by promoting the affiliate links in minisites. They are more or less a page or two sites that grabs leads and funnel them to the checkout page.

These (both) tactics works so well if you are reviewing a product that you had experience using them or had much knowledge about them that you can convince the audience into buying them.

Sell Ad Space

This is another option you can do. This works well if you have PageRank 3 and above for your blog. This is because the adspace buyer will use that to gauge what sort of traffic you are generating and of course the popularity of your blog in the cyber space.

How it works? Say after adding Adsense you may have spare space say a rectangle on your side bar or top horizontal which is empty and unoccupied. This is the space that you are selling to interested parties so that they can promote their stuff there.

Usually interested parties will have a product that match your blog theme. Say if you are blogging about making money online, of course you would not expect parties that sell weight loss buying your space right?

It is wise when you have come to this level that you start offering spaces by having them written as a small print somewhere in your blog such as a page dedicated to this purpose. You can name them with something catchy like ‘Advertise with me/us’, and then revise the details in that page such as your asking price, terms and conditions, ad measurements, method of getting paid, contract soon so forth whatever you can think of.

The above is when you are dealing with the interested party as one-one-one basis where you deal with them directly, without a middleman. If you need a tool to help you manage your own ad space, OIOPublisher or Easy Ad Manager is pretty neat for this task.

Another way of getting your ad space sold is through an ad broker, which is a middleman usually an ad agency. What happens here is you register with them and they drive potential ‘suitors’ that might be interested in your space. Again they will consider you if you had a handsome PR and a matching niche (obviously).

Companies that take care of this are BuySellAds, ProjectWonderful, Chitika, DeckNetwork, AdsDAQ, Value Click Media and Adify.

Review Writing

Also known as ‘Pay-Per-Post’ or ‘Blogvertising’,  it works where you pick the offers based on your qualifications. The topic serve a variety of topics such as promoting a service, a charity campaign or a product review. The offer will have a quota say the first 50 registrants get to signup (varies depends on the scale of the offered campaign, or company policy).

You will get paid if your review stick to their guidelines i.e. compulsory keywords that must be included, length, correct hyperlinks etc. Once you submit they will review them to decide whether the post is rejected or accepted. Once accepted you will be paid as soon as their tracking hyperlink start tracking traffic, pageviews or any metric decided by them to make you money.

Companies that offer this kind of service are PayPerPost, Reviewme, SponsoredReviews, IZEA, Blogsvertise, and Smorty.

Level 3 – 10,000 visits per day, 70,000 per week

Sell E-Book

This can be lucrative if you have the skills to write stuffs you like and love. Many people are making money online writing quality e-book for sale. If you can write your e-books, blogs on the topic and offer to sell it to your blog. You can also include them as part of your pre-sell in an opt-in form, powered by an email marketing sofware such as Getresponse and Aweber.

If you are a mediocre writer, your e-book does not have to be really fancy. It is good enough if you can just give some information out to people who would be interested to download them. Stuff that sell well are stuff that offer solutions to people’s problems.

Articles For Money

If Ezine Articles and GoArticle banks in your article for you to pre-sell stuff for your minisite campaign, ‘article for money’ is another alternative if you happen to have an awesome entry where you feel audience can benefit them in a wider perspective.

All you can do is signup with companies like Associated Contents (Yahoo), Bukisa, DocStoc, MintArticles,  Helium, and Triond.

Submit to them based on the appropriate categories and wait till you generate some money that will be credited in your payment method of choice. The payment score is based on certain rating or metric that was decided by the company. Some may offer high rates some might offer lower, so select the best company with a high paying metric.

Selling Service

You can take advantage of your blog’s popularity and high traffic by offering some expertise you had in yourself such as graphic design, web design, copywriting, SEO, consulting in various forms, etc. The right way of doing this is best accompanied with a blog entry describing what service/s you are offering and some descriptions with terms and condition etc.

To add value to what you are offering this can be accompanied with an e-book just like the subject before this. If you are generous enough you can offer it for free or charge them just like what I have stated above.

Another way of promoting this is to register with freelancing agencies such as Elance, Donanza, Odesk,, People Hour, Freelance Switch, Amazon Mechanical Turk, and Guru. By putting some mentions in your entry that you are available in those freelancing companies will add more credibility showing that you are serious in offering your services.

Sell Your Blog

Sell your blog! What the heck are you waiting for? This applies if interested parties feel so connected with the reviews and rapport that you have build in your blog that they feel so tempted’ to have your blog to act as a supporting partner to complement their existing product website. Sometimes, success that accompanied with this level is associated with a strong fan base i.e build up from mailing list or forum groups that is interested in what you are using and reviewing!

There you go the list based on 3 levels of traffic and popularity that your blog can offer in making you money, and as you can see the possibility of making money via your blog is endless! It may not suit everyone but I bet some might appeal based on your expertise, time and of course, interest.

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