Google Wave is One Hell of A Tidal

google_wave_logoGoogle Wave is one hell of a tidal, yes indeed. I got mine today, thanks to some cybermates. And now I got few invites to spare. Who wants one, just follow up the comments below and insert your gmail details. Wave is more phenomenal than Gmail as far as I remembered.

GW was ‘sent’ to rule the social networking arena soon, battering Facebook to the floor. Let’s see how these two giants battle each other from supremacy. Still, it is too early to judge as I am still residing comfortably with Facebook. Unless GW can come up with something similar and better, I am willing to turn my coats.

Until the moment of this posting was made, I have distributed the invites to my siblings, girlfriend and 2 friends. So, there were still few more to go. If you want one, just follow up via the comments below this article with your email account.

At least I am sparing the stupidity of some having to bid for a hundred buck invite via Ebay or should I do the same?

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