Chinatown Wanderer
On the 12th Oct, finally made it to London. Woke up at 4.45am..catch my train at 5.55am and slept all the way from Plymouth to Reading. I realised that the train started to get busy from Reading to London and the noises of people going abroad and off the train really ticks me off. Half way to London, i was totally awaken as i need to be aware of my arrival.
Around 9.32am, arrived at Paddington..’wonder’ around before goin to the tube to catch the underground. Got my tickets already bought online really come handy as i can avoid the long queues at the ticket vending machine. Arrived in malaysian high comm at Belgrave Sq at around 10.30am. Got my stuff sorted off in an hour and i contacted Ah Hoong. Coincidentally he was around and he was sending some friends off at Victoria station which is quite nearby Hyde Park Corner tube st. Around 12, managed to rendezvous with him at Victoria. Then we head off to had a meal in Tottenham Court Rd. Catch few tubes and hang in McD. Then we changed venue and manage to visit Forbidden Planet..just to look at some collectibles. I do fancy the sabre replica from Lord of The Rings. It is blunt..but to kill somebody..its easy. I wonder if they ship to malaysia? 😛
It was rainy outside and after finishing few rounds, we make our way to Chinatown comic shop. Then end up in Starbucks in Tottenham Court Rd, chat for few hrs and went to High Comm again to get my ‘stuff’. After that, we head to had a short break in Ah Hoong’s place in Canada Water and see his latest collections. Around 6.30pm, i contacted Ray and decide our rendezvous point. And he decided that he meet in Chinatown at 7pm. So off we go and managed to reach Chinatown and meet Ray. It was raining and im soaking wet (bastard..). I shop around for some chinese cakes from a malaysian bakery in Chinatown before heading off to Yeong Seng (our fave spot). Had a meal for 3 in their restaurant basement sharing a big table with some other customers. Ray chatted (flirted) with the waitresses who are from Malaysia too..some even speak Malay among themselves just to ensure their non-Malaysian colleagues couldn;t understand em’.
After finish meal around 9pm, we head off to De Hems pub..its a non-English pub with one of the most complete selection of European beers that u can find here. I came here once, and i admit De Hems is one of my fave pub in London. Uh, espeically their white beer from Holland is my personal fave. Did try few more beers from Belgium & German but forgot their names. Its cosy n nice atmosphere there with few asian chicks around for us to see..we chatted away and talk abt the big guy thing – career n life. Was discussing abt some business plans with them until i felt so sleepy (talkin bout catching the early train, nahmean). We dismiss around 10pm+, I head off together with Ray to Ray’s place in Manor House while Ah Hoong took his tube to Canada Water.
Arrived at Ray’s place nearly 11pm, met few of his housemates and chatted with them – all malaysians, & 1 BBC. Tried to online, but Ray’s notebook crashed..used his housemate’s notebook instead. oh ya, his housemates are majority law students…ah, i can hand pick my solicitors nxt time..hehe. Well, Ray fix me some tea, while Sheng (his housemate) entered the room and chatted with me, while they (Ray & Sheng) was debating about Chinese customs. The topic arised when Ray was playing his ‘Last Emperor’ DVD for us to watch. But damnit, i cant take it no more cos i feel fuckin drowsy..bang my head on the armrest for few times. Did catch some freaky scenes when Emperor Pu Yi on his non-infant age still breast feed from his nanny! No wonder the one aired in Malaysia no such scenes *sigh*. Ah freaky freaky..
Beh tahan, then Ray also feel sleepy too..so we turn off the TV and go to sleep.
Nxt day woke up at 8.45am, shower n pack up, at 9.30am say goodbye to everyone. Rush to main street bus stop and catch the bus to Manor House tube station. Managed to catch the tube at 9.50am and reached Paddington at 10.15am. My train is 10.35am so extra few minutes to buy me some newspaper, and drinks in WH Smith & Sainsbury. At 10.25am ran to my platform, that was platform 4, coach C seat 34B..ah sat with an old Cornish lady who was reading Cornish newspaper…Impressive! Didn’t talk to her cos i was busy reading my paper. My front was a traveller from London to the South West. The journey was boring but the good thing was, my coach was kinda quiet..lotsa empty space.
I reached Plymouth around 1.30pm and rush back home. Reach home at 2pm, online, unpack my stuff and called up Teh, Keng Woo & Annie. We’re goin for a movie.
Take a nap till 6pm, dress up n went to Pizza Hut at the Cinema with my buddies. Then catch ‘Resident Evil’ at 9pm. Nice show..awesome! Too bad i didnt catch the 1st part. Hoong managed to called me during the dinner and he was talking abt the movie too and strictly recommend me to watch. I said, i already got the ticks and I’m up for it. We ate 2 large pizza’s and a mix variety of appetisers and it almost blew our tummy up.
The show ended at 11pm and we all dismissed and head home.