Pondering in Drizzle

The slowjams from some fellas newly compiled CD filled the air. Was compiling CD’s for her these few days and of course, to ensure quality, i played few rounds of those slowjams and for the past few days & nights, my room was filled with romantic R&B slowjams from old skool, new skool and watever skool u can think of. Resfreshed and feelin’ relaxed with those music moods as i kick back, relax and ponder deeply.

Got my latest toy last week – Canon Powershot A95 digicam and has been playin & fiddlin with this suhweety. Awesome stuff. Is like fallin in love at first sight when i saw ‘her’ (my Powershot lah doh, and it’s a feemale). Got em for 166 quid in eBay, first hand MISB – suhweet deal. Arrived safe and sound thanks to Fedex Hongkong.

Been thinking deep about the next chapter in my life. Well, December is near and it’s great to take my time off to ‘Blue Bayou’ and the ‘Blue Bayou’ i refer to was Bali.

Gonna jet off there for a family gathering. Gonna meet my cuzzies from big unca’; me mom’s biggie bro & his kids as well as younger unca & auntie.

Greatest thing is to meet me grandma..miss her much. I bet is gonna be a great gath rollin’ and i’m kinda torn between gettin back from Heathrow to KLIA or Heathrow to SHIA (Sukaerno-Hatta International Airport, Jakarta)!! Ah, who cares…i will decide as soon as mom update me about the situation.

My plan was to be there in ‘Blue Bayou’ from Dec (X’mas & New Year there) and Jan 2K5 head home to meet my old scouting buddies and other old skool buddies – ah lurve n missed the camps so much my scout buds, Marul & Shahrul will try to organise a Rover Crew meeting or outing with me involved.

Really, miss the old days going to district & state scout camps becoming helpers and testers..hope the weather is fine and i’m gonna kick off with a full scouting gear in that month.

Not forgetting, gonna rendezvous up with buddies from Uni of Plymouth who might be working in KL & penang and we gonna rock the show. Will meet my newly ‘wedded’ cuzzies – ah, happy for them and will getta know their hubbys too..damn, who else to meet? Maybe netfriends who i have been keeping in touch with for years (& half yrs?) *duh* (out of question)

Feb will kick start by helping family with CNY prep..this gonna be my first ever CNY since 2002! I missed a miserable 4 years of CNY in UK (bastard..) ever since i arrived in this B-Land in 1999. Gonna spend lotsa time bakin cakes & cookies with mommie..(damn, i missed the old days). Hope that doesnt make sound like a wussy or a sissy..(ah, shut up u bastards).

End of Feb will be busy with our newly constructed home scheduled to be complete after CNY..hope i still got time to be there and help out shifting to new home before jetting off to the land of 3’B’s – (Mr.) Bean, (Tony) Blair & (James) Bond – typical British icons..Wonder what the new home will look like?

As I ponder, my mobile rang,..and there was my mom updating me about our itinerary to ‘Blue Bayou’ *doh*

p/s: Those who had watched ‘Man On Fire’ knows what ‘Blue Bayou’ (sang by Linda Rondstadt) means..it sounds somethin like this..

“…I’m going back some day come what may to Blue Bayou, Where the folks are fine, And the world is mine, On Blue Bayou ..”

and..if u patiently wait on this page for a while, u will hear Blue Bayou come to u. (scary huh?)

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