Longing For A Lemang

It’s Aidiladha for our muslim friends and damn, i long for some tasty bit of lemang and some rendang (niceee..). Did ‘jet’ off to our close buddy’s house. Our buddy who is also a scout buddy and we have been scouting buddies for more than 10 years.

We have been King Scouts, we have been troop leaders of our old troop – 18th Batang Padang and now we are in the same Rover scout crew (Kelana) and also ADC’s together alongside my bro, Mike.

download (1)Marul the rendang provider.

download (2)Rendang & lemanggg…..

download (3)My & my bro enjoying…

download (4)Buddies

download (5)Sodap

Went to his place around 3.30pm, gobble some food and take some pics. Did well wished makcik & pakcik Zainudin. They still look the same ever since i left for UK 5 years ago. As hospitable as always they will try to make sure that we are full-up before we leave. “Kalau tak kenyang, makcik tak kasi balik la.’ LOL.

I ate up till full, my bro surrendered earlier, but it was nice, all for ourselves. And thanks Marul, for fulfiling my cravings haha.

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