Second Day CNY

Woke up just before noon. Relatives arrived as early as 11am. Soon we hear loud chatting and mutterings coming from uncle’s house.

2nd aunt, Chong Lee & Mui Sim brought their baby along. Took some pics and mingle with more visiting cousin to our room. Ah Beng arrived for awhile as he needs to rush back to Teluk Intan to his wife’s side. Chong Lee and wife can’t stay that long either, and not long after that everyone assembled at uncle’s place.

Lunch then served with everyone randomly seated at any table. There were 4 tables altogether. I took some pics all around the place. Feeling like dejavu as I couldn’t believe that I am in hiatus on this special occasion for many many years.

It was really hot outside, excruciating as I put it. We manned the fans from all sides even taking our own to uncle’s house. We setup gambling tables – 3 ‘stations’ altogether with mahjong, 10’s and black jack being played. Everyone occupied the tables and those who are waiting their turns became ardent spectators.

Among all tables, my table was the loudest with aunts yelling and shouting in excitement. We changed games almost every 30-45mins just to keep everyone excited.

While we are enjoying the game we heard rumours that the police are making their rounds in high concentrated Chinese residential areas like Chit Loong Garden, Bidor Park and as far as Kampar. At first we tried to tone down and trying to keep our ‘excitement’ to a minimum. But all that faded, when everyone was in a fervour mood, and soon our table became the noisiest again.

The game lasted till dinner when everyone had their last meal of the day’s gathering before heading home. All around it was fun but attendance has been slacking due to the fact that many cousins were married now, and they had their other halves to attend to.

What is memorable is to be able to take photographs as a full complete family again, just like we did it in 1999, minus the hired photographer as I am much better off than the last hired photographer. *smirks*

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