Meme: Layer by Layer

layers.jpgSeason of meme’s in May started off with ‘Layer by Layer’ proudly tagged by Vanillasky (MiMi). So, you wanna know more about me dontcha? Here goes tha ice-breaking…

Layer One – On The Outside
Name: C.Y ‘Astrosurge’ Wong
Birth Date: 27th July 78
Current Status: Isolation
Eye Color: Vandyke + ebony
Hair Color: Ebony
Righty or Lefty: Righteous tehehe..

Layer Two – On The Inside
My Heritage: 100% Chinese with 1/2 Hokkien, 1/4 Teochew & 1/4 Baba-Nyonya blood.
My Fears: Skint, careerless, sickness, acrophobic, arachnophobic
My Weaknesses: Multi-tasking, procrastination, laziness, brain-overloading
My Perfect Pizza: Anything as long there’s extra jalapenos.

Layer Three – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
My Thoughts first thing when I wake up: Damn. Work again ka?
My Bedtime: 3am onwards
My Most Missed Memory: Old skool and scouting days

Layer Four – My Picks
Pepsi or Coke: As long is cocka
McDonald’s or Burger King: BK
Single or Group Dates: No pref, anything goes
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Tea or Nestea: Earl grey?
Chocolate or Vanilla: Choc.
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappa

Layer Five – Do I..
Smoke: Nope
Curse: Fuq yew!
Take a Shower: 2-3 times a day
Have a Crush: Eva Longoria of DH….~yummy~
Think I’ve been in Love: What is love?
Go to School: Before?
Want to get Married: Insyallah
Believe in Myself: Of course.
Think I’m a Health Freak: Seasonal thingy.

Layer Six – In The Past Month..
Drank Alcohol: Got gin in my room & few bottle of wines..
Gone to the Mall: 2 mins from my doorstep, what you expect?
Been on Stage: Yep.
Eaten Sushi: Hate sushi (ewwww…!)
Dyed your Hair: Too short to do any stylin’

Layer Seven – Have I Ever..
Played a Stripping Game: Thats lewd.
Changed Who I Am to Fit In: When you need to save your ass – yes.

Layer Eight – Age..
I am Hoping To Be Married: Old is gold.

Layer Nine – In a Girl/Guy..
Best Eye Color: Cobalt.
Best Hair Color: Ebony
Short or Long Hair: Military style

Layer Ten – What Was I Doing..
1 Min Ago: Tweaking my PC settings.
1 Hour Ago: In
4.5 Hours Ago: Sleeping
1 Month Ago: Doin’ the same shit.
1 Year Ago: Doin’ the same-same shit.

Layer Eleven – Finish The Sentence
I Love: People who loved me and the Almighty (not Bruce!)
I Feel: Knackered
I Hate: Player haters and hater players
I Hide: Sorrow, emo, and flaws
I Need: Money and divine intervention.

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17 years ago

hey man, long time to chat? how ya doing?
hope u’re doing well 🙂

17 years ago

Nice, link me in.


It’s me la, Poh Wah

Me: Howdy neighbour! Welcome abroad..fasten your seatbelts wowkay!

17 years ago

Ermm…may I say you have a rather ‘extraordinary’ taste in human kind? But, that makes you special ^_^

Me: Err…biasa only wattt…?

17 years ago

aiyo.. the last 1.. who doesnt need money ler.. *owh i guessed ur birthday correctly ! kakaka

Me: Aiya, the meme ask ma, tats y there’s nothin special on my meme’s la..