Granny’s 80th Birthday

This has been the rarest event I ever celebrate – granny’s birthday (it’s not a norm for us lol). Mom and uncles had decided that we will throw a party for her 80th at a restaurant in Teluk Intan. All aunts and uncle except 2nd uncle, and 6th uncle with few cousins were absent (the married and traveling ones).

We had to celebrate them a week earlier is because the 12th is the most convenient date where attendance can be maximized. We took of from hometown at 6.30pm and arrived an hour later. When we reached there the sun has already set, and customers are thronging in to grab seats.

Our tables have already been arranged as 3 tables in a straight line left from the entrance. As we seated, waitresses arrive with the stoves and pot of stock ready to boil. The array of selection is simply awesome! A range of seafood which is in abundance accompanied with variety of meat and desserts! This is what you cal ‘real’ value for money!

Not much activity apart from chatting away, boozing away and refilling the pot! At the end of the food debauchery, the restaurant staff presented grandma with her birthday cake surrounded by kids and grand kids (also great grand kid). I was tasked to take all the family photo shoots as I am the one armed with DSLR.

No body had enough space for cakes so we had them tapao-ed and settled. We made our exit just before the outlet shuts and made our drive back to Bidor.

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