Pakatan Rakyat Dinner in Bidor

I attended the Pakatan Rakyat dinner today with my uncle and aunts who were staunch supporters of Pakatan Rakyat and big fans of YB Nizar, YB Nga Kor Ming and YB Gobind Singh Deo. This was my 3rd political ceramah in one month ever since touching down in Malaysia from the UK. This dinner is to celebrate the victory of

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Perak Crisis: Assemblymen ‘Ensemble’ Under the Tree

Pakatan Rakyat Perak made history today. YB Sivakumar and the Knights of Silver State brave through the thugs, the likes of PEKIDA, UMNO Youths and UMNO special branch – the FRU to the State Assembly building. As usual, BN-UMNO -ed machineries via the shameless police with absolute cowardice managed to lock the building down and barred entrances to stop the

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Perak Chaos: My Message to My King

Perak has descended into chaos and as a proud anak Perak, I am not missing this opportunity to make my bid to seek a cyber audience from my King so that a snap-election can be held in the event of PR Perak under siege by the evil wrong doings of Najib and his frog unit codenamed J.O.H.N.

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